It’s a new vision of funerals, based on making

Last Wishes

What ifinstead of just planning a typical life celebration, you also
requested some Last Wishes for your people to carry out?

Good deeds to be done in your honor.

Note: Last Wishes isn’t a Bucket List (what you, yourself, want to do before you die).
It’s a last request of things you’d like done in your honor when you’re gone. 

Think about it
If someone you loved died and you found that they’d written down some last wishes,
wouldn’t you do anything in your power to carry them out? 

Of course you would.


My TEDx Talk
Last Wishes —
From Dread to a Little Delight at the End of Life
May 2023 Jefferson U

My Redo of the TEDx Talk (Because I flubbed it
up, leaving out the
whole, most important middle of it!)

My appearance on NBC’s
Sunday Today with
Willie Geist

June 2019

Better goodbyes start with yourself.
Getting your own last wishes on paper is the best possible path for better goodbyes. If you don’t want people crying at your funeral, get my free PDF on how to get the creative celebration you want.
Sign up to get your free “Planning Your Own Goodbye Party —
10 First Steps to a Fun Funeral” PDF