There’s a promising new resource in the End-of-Life world! As featured in the article Boom Time for Death Planning in The New York Times on July 16, 2020, it’s called Near. Explaining the name, they say ”While others may move away from the conversation and experience of death, our community moves closer.”
We need more of this kind of conversation and community.
Near is a community of end-of-life providers, so whatever service you seek you can find options there. It was founded and is run by two experts, Jane Butler and Christy Knutson. They both have extensive experience, professional and personal, in the matter of mortality.
Mortality! That word that people hate so much. Bring it on.
I spoke to Christy on the phone and she clearly has passion and commitment to making it easier for people to face and plan for life’s end. Way out in the open! Let’s talk freely, in a supportive space and with compassion.
The last few years have brought so many more end-of-life services than there’s ever been. Feels like it’s gone from 10 to 100 in a couple of years after being TABOO for centuries. We’re evolving, what a welcome hoot.
I’m doing my small part here at I Want a Funeral.
I encourage you to jump on the bandwagon. Next time any part of death comes up in the conversation — notice! Don’t shut it down. Let it flow a bit. You don’t have to have an hour-long deep dive; even five minutes can be meaningful.
There’s not one among us who hasn’t had feelings around death. Can we just talk about it?!
I prefer to talk and laugh — when we can, of course. (Because when it’s present-tense it’s not always possible). It’s not a comedic situation, but smiles and laughter lighten the emotional burden.
I registered a few of my services on Near (here and here), and I encourage you to go see all their offerings: After Loss Support / Art Therapists / Celebrants / Death Doulas / End-of-Life Photographers / energy Practitioners / Estate Planning / Grief Specialists / Legacy Work / Memorial Event Planners / Music Therapists / Pet Loss Services / Sound Therapists.