by Kyle Tevlin | Oct 27, 2017 | Life celebration, Planning your own funerals, Preplanning your funeral
A better way to do funerals is to plan your own ahead of time. Planning your own funeral isn’t for the faint of heart. But what if it turns out that it’s actually heart-warming, healing, and hopeful? That an activity we dread could be the best move we never considered...
by Kyle Tevlin | Oct 19, 2017 | Acceptance of death, Life celebration, Mourning
I swear, the simplest things can pack the most punch. Three words and a whole scenario is set. The exclamation point packs its own wallop, underscoring that this isn’t a suggestion, but an insistence. (No Mourners Allowed!) We are making huge progress. People...
by Kyle Tevlin | Oct 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
Scratch-offs instead of flowers? Sounds a little crass — or materialistic — right off the bat. Except that it’s what Julia Cranny was known for and loved! “She loved the lottery tickets on birthdays or Sundays and that is what she wanted,”...