by Kyle Tevlin | Feb 9, 2021 | Take It Up a Notch
A standing ovation! The grand finale of a fireworks display! An outpouring of recognition and gratitude like nobody’s business. It’s just not the time to skimp or be reserved. Be bold and beautiful in your Goodbye to your so-loved person.
by Kyle Tevlin | Jun 14, 2020 | Life celebration, Personalized funeral, Take It Up a Notch
Forget what you know about funerals. If there were no normal funeral custom already existing, and a beloved person in your life died, what would you rather do—Roll up your sleeves and do something in their honor, or go sit in some chairs somewhere, following awkward,...
by Kyle Tevlin | May 10, 2020 | Life celebration, pandemic, Take It Up a Notch
Hello Fellow Quarantined Humans,Does anyone need another voice saying “Crazy, scary times!”?I know I don’t. I actually don’t even want to hear myself think anymore.But avoiding it is futile. You might as well try hugging your neighbors.My heart goes out to everyone in...
by Kyle Tevlin | Jan 12, 2020 | I Want a Fun Funeral, Legacy, Take It Up a Notch
Happy 2020! New Year’s seems like weeks ago already. How is that possible? It seems unanimous that time is flying faster than ever. With a new year, and a new decade to boot, comes new perspectives. What’s disguising itself as a perspective, for me, is more an...