by Kyle Tevlin | Dec 15, 2022 | Holidays, Life celebration, Loss, Mourning, Remembering Loved Ones
Rerunning this because I got re-inspired myself reading it, and wishing we were doing it again this year. No joke. Last post for 2016. Lasts… firsts… we have the illusion that we have some control over them, but isn’t Life always telling us otherwise? We do what...
by Kyle Tevlin | Dec 7, 2019 | Acceptance of death, Life celebration, Loss
I think about death a lot. But unlike funerals directors or healthcare workers, for me it’s mostly theoretical. I’m fascinated by the dichotomy we live in: Knowing we aren’t immortal, yet mainly living in denial of it. It seems to me that if we...
by Kyle Tevlin | Feb 9, 2018 | Cremains, Loss, Urns
Can’t resist sharing this since I live just outside Philadelphia, where the recent Super Bowl win is a bit of a big deal. I’m not pushing the wonderfulness of Philadelphia Eagles fans. I’m highlighting that our passing deserves great fanfare (no pun...
by Kyle Tevlin | May 11, 2017 | Acceptance of death, Life celebration, Loss, sadness
When you just can’t… • Think about funerals and fun in the same sentence • Stomach that there’s anything lighthearted about death • Muster an ounce of interest in reflecting on your mortality • Find a reason to celebrate anything at the end of a life • Feel anything...
by Kyle Tevlin | Apr 7, 2017 | Acceptance of death, Loss
Time for another True Confession. And this one will seem so loony that I can only laugh while I tremble to admit it. Loony because it’s so dang obvious. So seemingly innocuous. Death is normal. Yup, that’s a statement I often find impossible to spit...
by Kyle Tevlin | Mar 31, 2017 | Acceptance of death, Life celebration, Loss
Exactly what motivates one to look up a fun funeral website? You handful of people who come here — are you already sold on the notion of something out-of-the-box, as the pun goes? Are you already picturing laughter, embarrassing stories, a night of bittersweet toasts...