Be in my I Want a Fun Funeral book!
It only makes sense, in a bestseller titled I Want a Fun Funeral, that it would include an abundance of examples, correct? Correctamundo.
Examples of specific requests or ideas you wonderful people have for your own creative sendoffs. Of course we (I Want a Fun Funeral) are a bit partial to fun, but we surely don’t push that unless you are also so inclined. What we push, unabashedly, is personal and creative influences.
So send me whatever thoughts you may have about your own goodbye party. I will mention you by name, nickname, initials, fictitious name if you’re shy — whatever you want, giving you published credit for your cool idea.
Guideline: The more specific, the better. The more unique, the better! Be honest. Don’t say you want dancing bears at your goodbye party unless you’re seriously going to make your family figure that out. Doesn’t have to be anything crazy, just whatever feels celebratory and personal to you. Whatever makes you smile when you imagine it.
Some of my favorites that I’ve been told, to get your juices flowing:
1) A kielbasa truck (at the party/service)
2) Disco ball in the mausoleum
3) No service at all, go play with cats at the animal shelter instead
4) Ashes put in a soup tureen
5) Chess tournament memorial
This is no small matter! The way we hasten the change toward better, more meaningful goodbyes is to talk — encouraging and inspiring others by the simple act of sharing.
Every time someone hears something neat and different that someone is doing or planning, they are inspired. They are emboldened and supported in requesting their own personal touches.
Let us all be trailblazers not just for ourselves, but for our culture at large, to not settle for boring, lackluster, and generic funerals.
Put a little life into your last wishes.
Share them here. It’s what I Want a Fun Funeral is doing its darnedest to champion.