by Kyle Tevlin | Nov 20, 2015 | Burial, Cremains, Cremation, Death, Funerals, Life celebration, Preplanning your funeral
Maire’s last wishes. “Cremate me and put my ashes in a boat. I want to go from Lake Michigan to the Atlantic Ocean.” – Last wish of a terminally ill 24-year old woman who knew what she wanted, but probably not how great an impact that wish would make...
by Kyle Tevlin | Feb 24, 2015 | Body donation, Burial, Cremation, Funerals
Burial. Cremation. Body donation. Those are the three options available for your post-life body. This is an easy place to start for getting your parting wishes down on paper. Don’t make your family guess, struggle to remember, or possibly argue over what they...
by Kyle Tevlin | Feb 22, 2015 | Caitlin Doughty, Cremation, Death, Funerals
I love spreading the word about Caitlin Doughty, a Los Angeles mortician, who has a website The Order of the Good Death, a video series, Ask a Mortician, and a new book, Smoke Gets in the Your Eyes & Other Lessons from the Crematory. She’s a little (or a...
by Kyle Tevlin | Feb 20, 2015 | alternative containers, Caskets, Cremation, FTC Funeral Rule, Funerals, Preplanning your funeral
Have you ever thought about the expenses incurred for funerals, and whether they accurately reflected your values? We’re so averse to seeming disrespectful, or thinking that money shouldn’t matter at a time like this, or just plain wanting someone else to...