by Kyle Tevlin | Jun 1, 2018 | I Want a Fun Funeral, Planning your own funerals, Uncategorized
I’m here to help. Help you. To be of service in this awkward and Let’s-not-worry-about-that-now area of life. Lest I just blog and post inspiring stories and Rah Rah, Make Your Goodbye the Best It Can Be!, every so often it helps to sing out about the...
by Kyle Tevlin | Jan 5, 2018 | Life celebration, Planning your own funerals, Pre-planning funeral, Preplanning your funeral
“Planning your funeral should be a priority and to prove why, here’s my plan” Actual headline of an article by a well-known (I think) British broadcaster, producer, director and columnist, Jasmine Dotiwala. It’s not that it’s a famous person saying it...
by Kyle Tevlin | Oct 27, 2017 | Life celebration, Planning your own funerals, Preplanning your funeral
A better way to do funerals is to plan your own ahead of time. Planning your own funeral isn’t for the faint of heart. But what if it turns out that it’s actually heart-warming, healing, and hopeful? That an activity we dread could be the best move we never considered...
by Kyle Tevlin | Sep 1, 2017 | Caleb Wilde, funeral costs, Funeral Homes
For your reading pleasure… another post from one of the very best in the death care world, Caleb Wilde. He’s on a mission to make us all more comfortable with death and the funeral industry. He has a new book coming out, Confessions of a Funeral Director. I...