Announcing right here in Montgomery County, PA, for the first time ever at Cheltenham Township Adult School….
I Want a Fun Funeral Workshop. Two consecutive Sat mornings,
Feb 28 and Mar 7, 10:00am –12:00 noon. Here’s the course description:
Just as you only live once, you only die once! Contemplating your own funeral is not for the faint of heart, but getting some thoughts down on paper and into the hands of a trusted love one can be the best move you never considered making before. In this fun and lively workshop, you’ll get an easy-to-complete packet that includes everything that needs to be decided. With humor, support, and discussion, a dreaded task becomes not only easy, but creative and meaningful. It’s a huge gift for your family, and there are so many more and interesting options for funerals than ever before. Come learn about them and plan yourself an awesome farewell, and have fun in the process.
And it will be educational, inspiriting, and fun! Grab a friend or relative and be part of it! I promise you can’t get this anywhere else. .