by Kyle Tevlin | Jan 8, 2016 | Burial, funeral costs, Funeral Homes, Funerals, Pre-planning funeral, Preplanning your funeral, Uncategorized
Ever known of someone who went into debt because of funeral costs? Or just overpaid (while being under satisfied), because they thought there was no way around it? It’s not uncommon to hear people complain about the high costs of funerals, yet there are ways to manage...
by Kyle Tevlin | Dec 18, 2015 | Burial, Caskets, Cremation, Death, Funny death, Life celebration, Preplanning your funeral
The saying “You can’t take it with you” is true enough, yet it doesn’t stop good-humored people from disregarding it for their own amusement, i.e. burying Mom, Dad, Sis, Bro, BFF, with various stuff from their life. I just read a fun story about a 97-year old...
by Kyle Tevlin | Dec 3, 2015 | Burial, Cremation, Death, Funerals, Life celebration, Preplanning your funeral
If you’ve ever wondered if the typical, expensive funeral is really what you would want for yourself (or for someone else) this story, A Modern Home Funeral vs. a Traditional Funeral Home, by Kateyanne Unullisi, is a must-read. She describes her personal...
by Kyle Tevlin | Nov 20, 2015 | Burial, Cremains, Cremation, Death, Funerals, Life celebration, Preplanning your funeral
Maire’s last wishes. “Cremate me and put my ashes in a boat. I want to go from Lake Michigan to the Atlantic Ocean.” – Last wish of a terminally ill 24-year old woman who knew what she wanted, but probably not how great an impact that wish would make...
by Kyle Tevlin | Nov 20, 2015 | Burial, Cremains, Cremation, Death, Funerals, Life celebration, Preplanning your funeral
Maire’s last wishes. “Cremate me and put my ashes in a boat. I want to go from Lake Michigan to the Atlantic Ocean.” – Last wish of a terminally ill 24-year old woman who knew what she wanted, but probably not how great an impact that wish would make...
by Kyle Tevlin | Feb 24, 2015 | Body donation, Burial, Cremation, Funerals
Burial. Cremation. Body donation. Those are the three options available for your post-life body. This is an easy place to start for getting your parting wishes down on paper. Don’t make your family guess, struggle to remember, or possibly argue over what they...