I Want A Fun Funeral Blog


Don’t get burned, get wet: aquamation!

Don’t get burned, get wet: aquamation!

Archbishop Desmond Tutu planned himself an aquamation! Are you up on this new option for one’s remains? It’s essentially a water cremation. Instead of a body going into flames, it’s dissolved in a chemical solution, and produces the same kind of ‘ashes.’ Also known as...

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End of life resources? Get started here.

End of life resources? Get started here.

It's Fall… leaves are turning hundreds of beautiful shades from yellow to red. Time to be outdoors in the fresh air while we still can without bundling up in 16 layers. As those leaves are dying, we should, as always, be full-on LIVING! I get a little frantic this...

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Update thy passwords!

Update thy passwords!

One of my main jobs here is to encourage… urge… (try not to lambaste) people to make their goodbye plans ahead of time. (And just as importantly, to put a little LIFE in them! Yay.), Yet I myself don't always live up this ideal. Of course, I do have plans, fo' sure....

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