I Want A Fun Funeral Blog


Ever think about your own death? Not as an abstraction, but for real, as in turning in for the night and never waking up, or keeling over on the kitchen counter and being a goner just like that. I could get more graphic, but there's really no reason for that! (Though...

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For All Who Want a Fun Funeral

For All Who Want a Fun Funeral

As  passionate cheerleader for uplifting celebrations of life (aka 'fun funerals') for the past eight years, I'm always taking note of people's reactions. I used to stress — disclaimer-like — that "It's not for everyone," but what I've observed is that the people who...

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A standing ovation! The grand finale of a fireworks display! An outpouring of recognition and gratitude like nobody's business. It's just not the time to skimp or be reserved. Be bold and beautiful in your Goodbye to your so-loved person.

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Illustration of How to Take it Up a Notch

Illustration of How to Take it Up a Notch

There's a funeral on the horizon. Well, there's always a funeral on the horizon, but let's say it's imminent or expected. You like the idea of Taking It Up a Notch, but just don't see any big, obvious way to do it. There's no all-consuming passion or notable personal...

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Before I Die Festival

Before I Die Festival

Just in time for Halloween… the 4th Annual Before I Die New Mexico (Virtual) Festival. Yes, it's 1910 miles away, but one of the upsides of the pandemic is that with Zoom geography is no obstacle. Which is why I was invited by my friend and End-of-Life colleague Gail...

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It really isn't hard thinking about what you want. What makes you smile? What makes you happy? What's important to you? If you remember anything, let it be this. For your very own goodbye party, you don't have to do:• what's always been done• what is expected• what...

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